The UrHeatingDevice Review: A Reliable Solution for Drug Tests

The UrHeatingDevice is a device intended for people who could face tests for drugs and would be worried about failing those tests due to substances, such as marijuana or cannabis, which may be inside their system. If you are an employee, an athlete, or even an applicant for a job, then drug tests can be stressful. For those who smoke marijuana, passing such a test can be quite impossible. This is where the UrHeatingDevice comes into play. For more information about drug testing and its implications, you can visit the Patmoore Foundation.

The UrHeatingDevice’s work is to keep synthetic urine at the right temperature and mimic real human urine. Why does temperature matter? During a drug test, for instance, the sample should be at body temperature, which is about 98.6°F or 37°C. If it is too cold or too hot, the test will be flagged—in other words, the administrators will know something is not right. This makes the control of temperature an indispensable determinant for passing the test, and the UrHeatingDevice serves just this purpose.

Consequently, the need for one is because of the many professional settings that conduct these drug tests: first and foremost, in professions where the value of life is highest, such as transportation, medical treatment, and sports. These tests can be tricky for a person who uses cannabis either recreationally or medicinally to pass, even if they have not recently used it. THC is a potent ingredient in marijuana that can take quite a while to get completely cleansed out of the body and may show up on a test days, even weeks, later.

This idea may sound weird to people that never thought about passing drug tests this way, but it is actually cool. Artificial urine is laboratory-made with the designation to imitate the composition of human urine, which means containing all those ingredients that are contained in real urine, including urea, creatinine, and other natural chemicals. This artificial urine is kept at the right temperature by the device, which is known as the UrHeatingDevice, so that it can easily be used in the test without showing any suspicion.

The UrHeatingDevice is an assistant to keep synthetic urine at the right temperature and may be a good option for the ones who want to pass the drug test. This is a vital device because it offers practical and subtle solutions to many people’s problems in the modern world, especially in workplaces that often conduct random drug screenings. First, one has to know how it works and why it’s used in order to decide if it is good for him or her.

Product Description

The UrHeatingDevice is a synthetic urine test kit. It is designed to make an individual’s drug test pass whose urine may contain traces of substances like THC—the chemical contained in marijuana. It’s not a flat-out imitation of urine, but an entire system—the UrHeatingDevice—that takes care that the synthetic urine one uses is at the correct temperature and thus as close to real human urine as possible.

The company behind UrHeatingDevice had developed this device to serve the needs of people in a quick and efficient way when they are caught off guard with the requirement to take a random drug test. Whether you are an athlete, employee, or job applicant, random drug testing is increasingly common today, and not everyone can afford to wait for their system to cleanse itself of drugs like THC. The UrHeatingDevice is just that helping hand one might need at one point in life.

What really sets the UrHeatingDevice apart from the pack, however, is the advanced technology. It’s not a bottle of phony pee per se, but the device itself contains an incredible heating element regulating synthetic urine at body temperature, or roughly 98.6°F or 37°C. One reason that is done when taking a drug test is for one of the numerous things that will be tested is the temperature of the urine to ensure it is fresh. A sample that is either too cold or too hot might raise suspicion and make one fail to pass a test. The right temperature, which would get through testing, is indeed eliminated with the use of the UrHeatingDevice.

Another unique thing with this device is that it is reusable in contrast to similar one-time-use products. In other words, even if you are put under a few drug tests, you can continue reusing the UrHeatingDevice over and over again; hence, it becomes a good long-term investment. It also comes with a digital controller, which will enable you to keep the temperature of your sample within an accepted range.

Speaking of reliability, for users, the UrHeatingDevice has been praised as discreet, effective, and easy to handle. It’s small enough that you could hide it under your clothes for convenience, especially if you have to take this device to a test. However, while the device gives great features, attention is necessary for its users to follow instructions closely to avoid any mistake on the test.

In a nutshell, the UrHeatingDevice is way more than a sample of mock urine; it’s an advanced device that is going to help one with passing a drug test with confidence, at the same time ruling out the risk of temperature complications or other mishaps. It is surefire, reusable, and intended for all those who might be coerced into random or mandatory testing, hence the gaining popularity in today’s job market.

Ingredients and Features

The UrHeatingDevice kit consists of key components that come together to make sure this synthetic urine resembles real human urine at every aspect whenever it faces a drug test. Although some of these parts seem so technical, they do have their own purpose; understanding them each is how you apply this kit into more practical usage.

First, let’s talk about the powdered urine that’s in the kit. This isn’t like those other fake urine products; this is actually real, clean urine that’s been dehydrated into powder form. Mix it with water, and it will revert to normal urine, almost no different from what your body would produce naturally. This is important because the drug test can check for the same chemicals that are in real urine, and powdered urine provides the best match.

The kit is provided with a 60ml syringe, which is used in transferring the mixed urine into the device’s 100ml dual-port IV bag. Such a bag has the particularity of possessing two ports or openings for easy filling and drainage. This IV bag is also provided with a liquid crystal thermometer, serving to monitor the temperature of the urine. Since temperature is one of the major factors for passing a drug test, this thermometer will help you ensure that the urine you are about to submit is at body temperature.

One of the most critical components in the UrHeatingDevice kit involves the self-regulating silicone heater. Usually, this heater works on an automatic principle to keep the urine at the right temperature, usually at 98.6°F or 37°C. It’s a battery-powered heater that is connected to a digital controller for easy tracking of the temperature. This heater will keep your urine warm during the whole test process, which is pretty important because real urine would cool down rather fast once it leaves the body.

The vinyl tubing with a clamp attached to the IV bag will enable you to control the flow of urine during the test. The kit also includes a thermal insulating blanket that can be wrapped around the collection bag to maintain the temperature of the urine in cold environments. It keeps the urine from cooling too fast and maintains it at the right temperature for testing.

The other significant element is the stainless steel rod covered with the temperature sensor. This continuously senses the temperature of the urine and keeps it within the right range. The user manual instructs how all these elements should be used in the right way in order to successfully beat the results of a drug test.

In general, effectiveness is demonstrated by this UrHeatingDevice kit, considering the advanced features related to materials. Each of the parts mentioned plays an important role in helping you maintain the temperature and authenticity of the urine, so as not to raise any form of suspicion as you go for a drug test. Knowing how all these parts interact will make you feel more confident and will support you in using the UrHeatingDevice correctly.

How to Use the UrHeatingDevice: A Step-by-Step Guide

Using the UrHeatingDevice appropriately is very crucial to beating a drug test. It may be the thin line between success and failure, depending on how the instructions are followed. It may be somewhat complicated initially until you get the hang of it by practicing at home. Here’s how you can use the UrHeatingDevice device effectively.

Open the UrHeatingDevice Kit

Start by opening the package. It will contain the following components: powdered urine, a syringe, an IV bag, a silicone heater, a battery connector, a digital temperature controller, tubing, an insulating blanket, and temperature sensors. Ensure that all these parts are present before you proceed. These combine to keep the temperature of the urine and to keep it fresh during the test.

Prepare the Synthetic Urine

Mix the powdered urine with 75-85 ml of warm water. Yes, warm, not boiling; room temperature won’t cut it here. It has to be warm in the first place for the heater to take over. Once the powder has fully dissolved and the color and appearance are just like normal human urine, pour the liquid into the full UrHeatingDevice device.

Extract the Air from the Bag

Once you fill the gadget with artificial urine, you need to let out as much air as possible from the IV bag. Much air impacts the heating process, and you need to push down on the bag so that the air can be pushed out. After doing that, seal the bag and close the tubing by placing the cap on it.

Power On the Heater

The next move is to fire up the heating element. Grab a 9-volt Duracell battery—the most stable one you can find—and place it into the silicone heater. Once powered on, the heater will bring the pee up to body temperature, so this thing’s got its work cut out for it. To support the heater in carrying out its task, wrap the thermal-insulating blanket around the device and hold it firmly in place with the help of the Velcro strap included in the package.

Heat the Urine to the Right Temperature

This could be the most important step for using the UrHeatingDevice. You must let the heating device raise the temperature of the urine up to the ideal that is between 36-38°C or 97-100°F. This, of course, is the average temperature that human urine naturally has when excreted. Having a sample that is too cold or too hot can spark suspicion from the drug test administrators that it might not be real urine. You may fail the test if you don’t proceed with caution. Make sure that the heater is in good working condition. Wait until the temperature of the urine reaches the right level.

Check the Temperature

Once you have heated the urine, take its temperature with the stainless steel rods fitted with temperature sensors. These rods will provide an actual reading, wherein you must ensure it ranges between 36-38°C before proceeding.

Deliver the Sample

When the urine reaches the right temperature, you are good to go. Open the IV bag or pouch by removing the lid from it and pour the urine into a sample container as provided by the drug test center. Really do this carefully, for you would not want to spill over or have any messy situation that might raise suspicion.

Well, in that case, if you continue following all those steps precisely, then you will be just fine using the UrHeatingDevice and passing your drug test. Remember, as I said, temperature is the most critical part in this whole process. If the urine isn’t within the right temperature range, then your chances of getting by with the test are slim to nothing at best, even when the chemical components in the urine are correct. This will help you feel more confident and prepared when the time to take the test actually arrives.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Like with any product, there are pros and cons associated with the UrHeatingDevice. Getting to know the pros and cons will enable you to get the right decision as to whether this tool will be ideal for passing the test. We will break it down for you to give you a clear vision of what you could expect when using the UrHeatingDevice.


One of the biggest benefits connected with the UrHeatingDevice is that it has a long shelf life. The product can last up to 12 months if it’s not opened. That means you can buy the UrHeatingDevice way in advance before any potential drug test and safely keep it back home. Once there is a sudden need for a drug test, you will not have to struggle or freak out because you will already have the UrHeatingDevice ready. This being in your mind can be a huge reliever from stress, especially knowing that a random test or one of surprise might be around the corner anytime. Another big advantage is the automated temperature regulation. Unlike other fake urine kits that require heating with hand warmers or heating pads to keep the urine at body temperature, the UrHeatingDevice does this for you. It features a digitally controlled heating element that will maintain the temperature of the urine for up to four hours. That’s well beyond what you might need to take your test and not have to worry about the temperature getting too low. Heating is easy, and the device itself will always make sure your urine reaches just the right temperature-just like real urine, straight from the body.

The UrHeatingDevice is also portable and concealable. While there are a lot of components to the rig in the IV bag, the thermometer, heater-the entire kit is small enough to be easily concealed under one’s clothing. That’s important if you face a supervised test where someone might be watching closely. Being in a position to keep the UrHeatingDevice hidden while still delivering the urine sample really gives you the upper hand in passing the test.

Moreover, there have been many reviews of how great the UrHeatingDevice has been for people passing drug tests. Many users have claimed it works great, it keeps the right temperature, and once you practice a couple of times, it becomes easy to work with. This puts your mind at rest knowing indeed the UrHeatingDevice is one of the reliable ways of passing a drug test.

Another positive is the elaborate usage guidelines for this product. The UrHeatingDevice manual is well written and contains step-by-step usage direction one might go through with this device. This will make it easier for a first-time user to understand how the system works and avoid any mistakes during the test. Instructions are clear enough that any person can follow them with little practice.


As with any product, there is a downside with the UrHeatingDevice. One of the major disadvantages with using the UrHeatingDevice is in the accurate measurement of water. The UrHeatingDevice contains a mix of powdered urine that needs to be rehydrated with water. The proportions of water and powder should be right on target. If too much water is used, the urine will result in being too diluted, hence making it weak for the test. This does require a little attention to detail, and you will need to measure as carefully as possible to avoid mistakes.

Another major flaw in this kit is the expense of the UrHeatingDevice, which can be very highly priced. For its cheapest setting, it sells at around $169.95, somewhat high compared to many other synthetic urine kits out there in the market. It has advanced features, including temperature control, but such a high price can thus be one of the discouraging points, especially for those people who opt for more economically friendly alternatives.

Moreover, using the UrHeatingDevice requires practice. The procedure of mixing the urine down to managing the temperature is not something you will want to try on the test day. You will have to practice how it is used so that on the day of the test, you should be comfortable with it. This can be time-consuming for some users, as most of them are always in a rush to pass the test.

The benefits of the UrHeatingDevice are long shelf life, automated temperature control, and portability. On the other hand, some of its disadvantages include precise water measurement and a relatively higher price tag. Settle on whether or not this will be an appropriate product for your needs by weighing some pros and cons.

Commonly Asked Questions

If you think of purchasing any product like The UrHeatingDevice, then several questions must come to your mind regarding how it works, its reliability, and other need-to-know information. In this section, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions to help you understand this synthetic urine device and make an informed choice for yourself.

What exactly is The UrHeatingDevice?

The UrHeatingDevice consists of an appliance that assists individuals in passing their drug tests with the use of synthetic urine at the right body temperature. It consists of a pouch for holding the urine, a digital heating element to maintain the urine at a warm temperature, and various other elements to ensure that synthetic urine can easily and surreptitiously be utilized during a test. It is often utilized by athletes, employees, or job applicants because they have to pass such drug screenings and are afraid that their actual urine will contain traces of substances such as THC.

Is The UrHeatingDevice legal to use?

Technically, the device itself is legal to purchase and own. However, resorting to urinating artificially to pass a drug test can be illegal in some circumstances or areas, depending on the local policy and laws erected by the organization that will conduct the test. Understand the rules in your location before using The UrHeatingDevice. As an example, some states in the United States have passed legislation that forbids selling or using synthetic urine for purposes of drug testing. Using it may result in losing your job or some kind of legal penalty if you are caught.

Does The UrHeatingDevice work for all kinds of drug tests?

Its purpose is mainly aimed at assisting with urine drug tests, that are the commonest types of such tests; it will not help with blood, hair, or saliva tests. It is also important to note that this device will work much easier in case of an unsupervised or semi-supervised urine test. Should the test be closely monitored and someone is present to witness your sample collection, using it will definitely be much riskier.

How long does the heater last?

The heater in The UrHeatingDevice can keep this synthetic urine at body temperature for as long as four hours. This is usually longer than the time it takes to get through an average drug test. The digital controller assists in maintaining the temperature within the natural range of human urine, approximately 36-38°C. You wouldn’t need to bother about the temperature of the urine cooling down or overheating, provided one has followed the instructions correctly.

Is The UrHeatingDevice Reusable?

Yes, The UrHeatingDevice is reusable. After a drug test, the parts clean up and then can be stored away so that, at any other test thereafter, the device can be reused. This makes it a rather reasonably priced equipment for those individuals who intend to go through various tests over time as you will only need to replace the synthetic urine, not the whole kit itself.

What are the major ingredients that make up the synthetic urine accompanying The UrHeatingDevice?

The synthetic urine on The UrHeatingDevice is scientifically designed to be as close to real human urine as possible, and it even includes creatinine, urea, and uric acid, all three being naturally occurring ingredients found in natural urine, which would be picked up by a drug test. These ingredients give the sample the look and characteristics of a human sample urine, lessening the chances of detection. This synthetic urine also has the correct pH balance and specific gravity as that of the natural urine.

How do I prepare for a test using The UrHeatingDevice?

It is highly recommended you practice at home with the aid of The UrHeatingDevice before the actual test. This will get you used to the device, learn how to mix the synthetic urine, and understand that you will be able to handle the heating element. This can help reduce anxiety and cause one to be successful with the device when it is actually time to use it on a test. Remember, you want to be very careful in terms of the temperature and not bring undue attention to the device.

What are some of the risks with taking The UrHeatingDevice?

One of the major risks is that of being detected during the test. In case the test is a supervised one, it might be difficult to use the device. And if the temperature of the sample isn’t right, it may get discarded by the facility designated for testing. Moreover, in case the test conductors believe there has been foul play or trace synthetic urine, serious ramifications might include losing your job or failing to get into the job.

Is the UrHeatingDevice worth its price?

The UrHeatingDevice, as such, is still a bit costly when compared to many different types of synthetic urine kits. Yet, with its enlarged and improved features, for instance, the digital heating system, reusable parts make this product worth trying out for many customers. In real life, the price at which you will buy it is about $169.95, but you have to remember that the device is going to be reused, probably saving your cash on more drug tests in the future.

If anything doesn’t go according to plan during the test, what does one do?

First, if something goes wrong-meaning the temperature is not correct or the device malfunctioned-you should not panic. The likelihood is that you won’t be able to mend it during the test itself, so preparation in advance is very important. You should check that the device works at home, that the battery will not run out during testing, and just generally that everything works properly well in advance of your test day.


The UrHeatingDevice is a one-of-a-kind, ultra-modern device designed to assist individuals in cheating on tests for drugs by providing synthesized urine at the correct temperature. It offers workers, professional athletes, or candidates applying for a particular job a discreet and effective means of presenting their clean sample-as long as it is used correctly. Now, let’s summarize the main points of this article and provide some closing comments as to whether The UrHeatingDevice might just be what you are looking for.

What makes the UrHeatingDevice Unique?

Primarily, the UrHeatingDevice differs from the many synthetic urine kits available today because of its unique digital heating system. This is what maintains the urine at a perfect body temperature for four hours, which minimizes chances of getting caught for the wrong temperature. This device is pretty friendly and effective, coming with an accompanying set of components, including a thermal insulating blanket, a syringe for the transfer of the synthetic urine, and a self-regulating silicone heater. It’s a complete package for most of the common problems that people face during a drug test using synthetic urine.

Why Should You Consider It?

If you find yourself in a situation where passing a drug test is very important-for instance, a looming job application or some random workplace testing-you can rely on The UrHeatingDevice. It’s considered one of the most reliable devices in the market due to the capability of keeping synthetic urine at the right temperature for longer. This of course makes the device very reusable for those people who may have to take tests time after time, since the only things that need replacement are new synthetic urine, which saves money in the process.

Pros and Cons

Like with any product, there are some real advantages and disadvantages to The UrHeatingDevice. On the plus side, the temperature is controlled automatically, which eliminates the need to rely on heating pads or hot packs that are notoriously unreliable. It’s compact, easy to conceal, and the instructions for its use are reasonably well-detailed. On the negative side, it’s a fairly expensive piece of equipment to purchase, starting at $169.95. Another drawback could be that you have to get a little practice in to do it right-which might be stressful for the user.

Is The UrHeatingDevice right for you?

In general, it is if you are serious about passing a drug test and willing to invest time and money in a high-quality, reusable product. Especially if you happen to have an unsupervised or semi-supervised test, whereby you might have a little private time to execute the collection process. However, for supervised tests or people who are on a very tight budget, this may not be the best choice. If you want something more reliable and can pay more to be sure you don’t risk your well-being with dubious synthetic urine kits, then The UrHeatingDevice is it.

Final Recommendation

Overall, The UrHeatingDevice is a sophisticated solution for individuals undergoing a urine drug test. Its electronic heating system, ease of use, and good customer feedback make it the best for those people looking for an effective reusable synthetic urine device. Provided that one is patient enough to practice with it and follow instructions to the letter, one can easily increase their chances of passing a drug test using The UrHeatingDevice. But weigh up all your pros and cons including the cost and learning curve before making your decision.